Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Words, words, words.

Polonius: What do you read, my lord?

Hamlet: Words, words, words.
Hamlet, Act II, Scene 2.

When I first started this blog, I got in the habit of writing short pieces about the books I read. In part, I felt that the blogosphere can become too caught up in ephemera, and I thought I would do my own little part to work longer texts into the mix. But mostly, I did it for myself. I found that I paid more attention to books when I expected to write something about them afterwards, and I liked having a record of what I had read. I enjoyed my book blogging, though I never got a sense that many readers were interested.

Since last fall, for a variety of reasons, I've fallen away from writing up the books I read. Now I've decided to do it again, but because I think it would detract from the flow of this place, I've started a separate blog for the purpose: Words, Words, Words. I've just put up the first post over there, about John Lukacs' latest book on Winston Churchill. When I run into something in a book that seems worth a post over here, I'll keep posting it here, but the longer posts about what I've been reading will go there. At least that's the plan for now.

The sidebar is there on my machine right now, but I noticed that it disappeared yesterday when I posted an overlarge picture from Where the Wild Things Are. But the link is in the post to which these comments are attached -- the "Words, Words, Words" has it.
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