Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I get tired of reading about New Yorker stories in other blogs days before the issue shows up in my mailbox. This time, I find myself waiting for the new article by Jane Mayer about former Navy General Counsel Alberto Mora and the DoD's extensive efforts to mislead its own lawyers in order to torture prisoners, leading up to Abu Ghraib. "Legal critics within the Administration had been allowed to think that they were engaged in a meaningful process; but their deliberations appeared to have been largely an academic exercise, or, worse, a charade." Kevin Drum has more, including a link to an electronic version of the article.

Agreed. It's inhuman.
And there is a new report from the BBC saying that nearly 100 detainees have died in U.S. custody in Afghanistan and Iraq.
There was an interview with the author of the New Yorker article yesterday with Robert Segal on All Things Considered. I found it very interesting.
Thanks, 'stina -- I'm listening to it right now.

Something is either wrong with my settings or NPR's recording, because Robert Sigel and Jane Mayer are talking just a little bit too fast. Freaky.
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