Wednesday, March 23, 2005

So much for the commitment to marriage.

As Dahlia Lithwick points out, the Schiavo Ruckus shows us just how deep the conservatives' commitment to marriage is: not very. The sacred bond between Teri Schiavo and her husband isn't sacred enough that cultural conservatives mind trashing it to do what they think is best for her.

he's a serial adulterer, thereby destroying the sanctity of the marriage. the parents should have petitioned the court for a divorce decree years ago.
Maybe she would have been cool with that. If I'm ever in a vegetative state, I hope my wife is living her life instead sitting by my bedside all day.
Scott Peterson's actions should be respected, then, for the same reasons?

I'm not calling Michael S a murderer here. I'm just pointing to the inanity of your conclusion.
Scott Peterson's actions should be respected, then, for the same reasons?

I'm not calling Michael S a murderer here. I'm just pointing to the inanity of your conclusion.
If I refuse to feed you, I'm hardly killing you.
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